Our Divisions
BTS Fire & Rescue Systems
With diverse partnerships and products, we provide high end consultancy and solutions for different fire and rescue systems for different industries. Products include;
- FirePro
- Kentec
- Collaborative PPE
- Ecological Foam
BTS Energy Solutions
Brief description of this service
- Solar Systems
- Fuel and Mining
- High Voltage Power Systems
BTS I.T Solutions
IT infrastructure solutions provider of different latest technology products and services the industry can offer. Some of our product lines include;
- Racks
- Cooling System
- Monitoring System
- Power Distribution Unit & UPS
BTS Mining Mobility
Distributors of bespoke mine site earth moving and mining equipment Low Loader from our Australia partner Piacentini & Sons.
- GlasGrid Series
- American Road Patch
- Panther Series Low Loader
BTS Civil Engineering
Distributor of geogrid and geo-synthetic products of pavement reinforcement with asphalt concrete overlay.
- American Road Patch
- GlasGrid
- Mine grid